Sergent Wellness | Best Louisville Kentucky Physical Therapy | Cupping | Needling

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Announcing Living Full @Sergent Wellness

Hate feeling deprived?

Hate the feeling of missing out on life with your family, friends, and social circle because of your aches and pains?

Tired of being tired? 

Exhausted from keeping up with which foods are “good or bad?”

Fed up with low-carb, low-sugar, low-fat, no-fat, keto, paleo, all kale, no legumes, etc?

Time to join Living Full. 

Living Full is designed with you in mind. 

We are inundated with conflicting information from celebrities, doctors, celebrity doctors, trainers, life-coaches, wellness coaches, holistic practitioners, our neighbor who once had a friend who heard that nightshades cause autoimmune disease. 

Living Full is none of that. 

Living Full is about using tried and true methods that have helped over 100,000 people get into the best shape of their life and stay that way! Instead of the all-or-nothing dieting approach, we use a sustainable, practice-based approach to build healthy habits into your life, one day at a time.

By combining our successes and learning experience, we reduce the trial and error of the traditional diet approach. Additionally, we offer support for your whole lifestyle. Dieting doesn’t happen in a vacuum and those who diet rarely succeed in keeping the weight off for good. That’s why we designed Living Full. 

Weight loss and eating habits are only pieces of the puzzle though! How we think, how we feel, how we move, and how we recover all impact our overall well-being. 

Join others who, like you, are tired of the hamster-wheel of wellness. If you’ve gone round and round with every diet. If you had workout videos with more lycra than Lululemon. If you have started and stopped more “new year, new me” programs than you can count, Living Full is for you. 

Session 1 | 10.25.20 - 1.17.21

Starts Sunday October 25 7:00 on Zoom

Sundays at 7:00 PM

Can’t make every class? No Sweat, Living Full is designed to go with the flow of your life.