Louisville KY Physical Therapy

3 Pounds in 3 Years

3 Pounds in 3 Years

“Have you ever set out to meet a healthy goal and it’s taken much longer than you anticipated? Ever made attempts to take better care of yourself and life has other plans?

I can say 100% YES to both.”

Acute Pain & Swelling R.I.C.E. Reconsidered

Acute Pain & Swelling R.I.C.E. Reconsidered

If you google or ask your doctor what to do for acute pain & swelling, R.I.C.E. is often the universally accepted answer. It’s automatic, you get an injury, you ice the injury, you get back to it? Or do you? Since the late 70’s, the field of sports medicine has advanced greatly in how acute injury is managed, however many healthcare practitioners continue to provide outdated advice. With advanced exercise concepts and evidence based methods at our fingertips, it’s time we all catch up!